theatre masks

theatre masks

Tuesday, 31 May 2011


Here is a Half-Term Homework task  - mainly for the 'Nation' group as most of 'Road' have already done it!

You need to reflect and evaluate on the show before you start your own work on directing and rehearsing the scenes to include in your 10minute performance. Answer the following questions in detail and make references to what you actually saw in the show!

1. Which scenes did you like and why?
2. Which character do you feel had the most on-stage presence and what was it about their performance that made you connect to them as an audience member?
3. Which scenes and/or characters would you like to work on or include in your exam work?

Extra Fabulous Bonus Question - After watching the show, do you think Willy Russell's message was made clear? Give examples of when his overall intention was particularly significant in the show.

Exam Groups!

Here's what you have all been waiting for!!

C Newcombe, C Guerney, A Pearson Smith, O Self
J Freeman, G Gill, S Yam, O Denton, M Nash
R Dupres, C Hewitt, A Hill, J Biggs
B Sadler, G Melson, J Hunter, V Elkin

J Smith Swan, D Carroll, S Thean, K Cook, C Pengilly
J Key, R Finnegan, T Murray, H Labacik, M Qalliaj
W McFadzean, S Nicholls, A Jarvis, Y Akguneyli, L Jillard, Z Butler

Friday, 6 May 2011

Blood Brothers Theatre Trip

You are all aware that the trip has been booked for the Thursday 19th May 2011. The coach will be leaving school at 5.45pm so please make sure you are waiting in front of main reception in good time as the wheels will roll without you if you are late!