theatre masks

theatre masks

Friday 16 December 2011

Unit 2 Christmas Homework Task

These need to be brought into the first lesson back on Friday 6th January.Some of you may have completed some of these already, and there are extension tasks for those who are aiming for Skilful and Accomplished.

1. Christopher Marlowe research - look at his life and why he wrote the play 'Dr Faustus'. The play is a perfect example of a morality play and has the theme of the Seven Deadly Sins.

2. Character Notes - for your role/Character in Item 1 (the improvisation). Present this as either a mind map or collection of bullet points, (alternatively you could create a role on the wall) there are notes on how to this both in the Blood Brothers section on the Blog and your Year 10 classwork on here.

• Who or what were you?

• How did you use characterisation skills in the scene? (use of voice/body language/gestures/facial expressions/voice)

• What is their purpose in the piece? (why are they there/why do you need them)

• What interaction did you have with the audience (direct speech/use of stage space)

3. Presentation notes and Evaluation of Item 2- Costume Design

Intentions – what do you want the audience to think?

• Status – are they high status/low – class?
• historical and social context - time/place/modern/ancient/no time or place
• semiotics – colours/material choice all mean something
• links to item 1 – these are ideas that you have come up with after exploring the stimulus in Item 1 ‘Moving on from Item 1 and ideas from the stimulus I am going to design a costume for...... (Then say why
•class work on medieval theatre/morality plays/religion
• target audience – who is it for? Have you adapted the costume to suit this?
• Genre – greek theatre/tragedy/comedy/thriller/theatre-in-education
• style – abstract/naturalistic/physical theatre (Brecht/Stanislavski
• Consider that the actor might wear the costume for quite a time so it needs to be practical and they need to be able to project so a full mask might be an issue there.
• Average or estimated costs.

Evaluation - 1 A4 page - are you pleased with your final costume design? Why? Give examples? What else would you have included or could change if you could? At least 2 sentences where you refer to someone's elses design and what you liked about their ideas, what could you steal to enhance your own design?

4. For Item 3 - Performer/Deviser/Designer
  • You've had two hours class-time on this to decide, plan and start creating your additional item - remember this still has to be linked to the stimulus of the Seven Deadly Sins and you should be able to link it to your Item 1.
  • For next lesson -  ALL OF YOU NEED TO write up the introduction/planning notes you made in class.
  • If you are a Deviser (writing an additional scene) - make sure you bring your completed script with you next lesson and be prepared to either make a short presentation that explains your ideas or write up 2-4 sides of A4 explaining your ideas, the characters and story in your scene, and why you wanted to create this scene (including research and links to Item 1)
  • If you are Performer (performing an additional scene) - make sure you know what you are doing in your new scene, you may be performing a monologue/duologue/short scene with a group (max. 3minutes) You will have only 1 hour to rehearse on Fri 6th January so come prepared!
  • If you are a Designer (additional costumes/masks/make-up/set/props) - bring your completed designs, and additional research you have undertaken in order to support your ideas. Your designs could be very artistic and detailed or could be more in the way of a plan/brief that you would present to a Director outlining your ideas for your chosen design area. You must have 2-4 sides of A4 explaining your ideas, with all image designs clearly labelled. You should look at the same points we studied when you completed your costume design. (See Task 2)

PLEASE PLEASE pretty PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU HAVE COMPLETED ALL OF THE ABOVE FOR FRIDAY 6TH JANUARY - We have to be able to get Unit 2 completed and the Controlled Assessment done before starting Unit 3 so that we have enough time on this before the examiner comes in March.

All of this work will be sent to the examiner so make it count. This is your work and your grade - you will get what you deserve dependent on the effort you have put in. No-one else can do it for you! Best of luck and have a lovely Christmas!