theatre masks

theatre masks

Monday 1 November 2010

Learning your lines

Welcome to the first blog-post on the new site.

Hopefully you will have made great progress over the Half-term holidays in learning your lines for the play. If you are still struggling here are some links to give you some quick ideas.

Watch this video, made by a professional acting coach for some good starting tips.


I want you tell me how you have been learning your lines, we can then share these ideas together.

Maybe you have come up with an idea that suits your type of learning style?

Post your response as a comment and bring an example of how you made it work for you to the lessons  next week. (Nation Group - Monday, Road - Wednesday) You have the week and the weekend to experiment!

Here's an example for an Aural learner, maybe you have recorded yourself saying certain lines into your phone and you will play these back to yourself throughout the day.


  1. Leave your comments here. Just click on the comments tab.

  2. Olivia's Homework:

    First there was Aural then there was Visual then the was kinetic NOW there is FOOD !

    The learner that everyone who is human can relate to

    FIRST : Grab a bag of original Skittles.

    SECOUND: Arrange your skittles in range of Least Favorite to Favorite for example

    Orange, Lemon, Lime, Blackcurrent, Strawberry.

    FINALLY : Arrange your lines in skittle wortheness. The longer and more complex a line a nicer skittle flavour you will recieve when you have learnt the line, example:

    5 and under lines- Orange
    6-10 lines- Lemon
    11- 15- Lime
    16-20- Blackcurrent
    21-25- Strawberry
    over 25 lines- HAVE TWO !

    The beauty of this method is it works with any sweet you want such as mentos, smarties and M&M's.

    Olivia Denton :)
    Nation Group

  3. When I learn my lines for drama:

    1. I read through my script and try to remember the line before my line. But I don't remember the whole line, I remember the key words which would lead to mine (i mostly remember the last few lines)

    2. Then read my lines in the scenes I'm in.

    3. Once I've remembered my lines i get a friends to test me. I would say the lines before mine or the words which help me to know when to say my line and then say my characters line.

    I'm not really sure which type of stlye I use to learn my lines...but i prefer the simplest ones

    Sabrina Yam - The Nation Group

  4. olivia that is the coolest way to learn your lines!!!!!
    ps. change the skittles to chocolate and i have lernt my lines.

    if i put my lines up at random places around my room then i can think of that part of my room wen i am acting nd then i remember my lines!!!
    georgina Melson <3
    NATION Group

  5. I love yours Olivia - might have to try that! haha.

    I tend to just read through my lines and try and memorize a few lines in a conversation at a time. When I think I know them, I put my script down, and go through the scene with my brother or mum saying the lines in between mine. I find it easier to act it out at the same time too so that I know what is going on, and what I have to be doing, throughout the scene.

    Caroline Newcombe :)
    Nation Group.

  6. I try and get someone to read out the other characters in the scene so that I can learn the queues for my lines as well as the actual lines themselves. I get really bored just reading through my lines so normally if I do an action in the actual thing I try to do the action when I am trying to learn the lines because it helps to jog my memory or sometimes if there is something I need to leaven I wrote them on my mirror in wipeboard pen (don't worry it does come off!) so that every morning when I am doing my hair I can read through it. Beth Sadler nation group x

    Beth Sadler
    Nation group :)

  7. im a Kinesthetic learner and i tried using they way olivia said but it didnt work but i learnt my lines anyway.

    Jack Biggs
    Nation XD

  8. heyyooo veee here :P

    well generally i repeat it over to myself in my head until i've got it. Then after doing a section i put my had over the lines and read the line before mine then say mine until i've got them all. Did that make sense? probably not but you know. Olivia yours sounded good :L haha nice onee

    vee xxxxx

  9. everyone said olivia's sounded gd
    haaaa lool
    sorry i have all ready done mine just wanted to scrape!!!!
    everyone put pictures up because otherwise everyone is called Anonymous and me and jack are called are actually names im wierd like that sos

  10. Well Done folks! Loving that you are embracing the technical side and posting on here.

    Olivia wins for the most original and unusual method I have ever heard – it’s almost like bribing yourself with the sweetie reward.

    Sabrina I really like your key word idea as it makes you think about the line before and after your own and the reaction you would give on stage. This blends both Visual and Kinaesthetic I think and is very practical.

    Georgina your idea is one that I have used in the past myself, it’s very personal and definitely a visual technique.

    Caroline a very practical and sure way to learn both your lines and actions at the same time, this is very important especially when you have a lot of lines and different scenes like you do in the play.

    Beth love the writing on your mirror so you can read it whilst doing your hair/make-up, repetition and going over lines like this helps them stick in your memory plus you have the mental picture of the line on the mirror to focus on.

    Jack well done for trying Olivia’s technique, if it didn’t work, what was the trick you used to help with the learning of the lines for yourself?

    Victoria again a visual and repetition approach, great if you have lots to learn as you do. Repetition is the best way for it sticking in your memory.

  11. I learn my lines by reading them over and over and then getting someone to test me. I don't like leaning them the physical way it dosn't work for me.

    You could also learn your lines by recording yourself and playing it back.
