theatre masks

theatre masks

Friday 25 March 2011

Unit 2 - Task 2 - Costume Design

Now that you have finished the performances and evaluated your own work and the performance of another group, we are moving on to Task 2. This task requires you to take on a role other than a performer and consider the design elements and potential of the piece you have created.
  • You will all be working on Costume Design for this task.
  • You do not necessarily have to make the costume, the focus is on you being able to clearly show how your design would support and enhance the drama.
  • You can draw or collate images from the Inter-net, you can then choose to present this as a portfolio or written document on A4 (2-4 sides) or prepare a presentation or pitch explaining your ideas.
  • You only have 2 hours to plan and prepare before the assessed presentations.

1. Watch the video clips to give you some ideas on how directors and designers collaborate on Costume Design and the importance this has in creating and supporting character image,

The Lion King (Broadway/West End theatre production)

Sweeney Todd (directed by Tim Burton  - designs by Coleen Atwood)

Austrailia (directed by Baz Lurhman)

2. Decide which character in your drama (doesn't have to be your own) you would like to design a costume/series of costumes for and write a short explaination why and what your initial ideas are. (1/2 side of A4)

3. Start researching costume ideas - make sure you consider and explore social, cultural and political connections. e.g. How well off are they? What sort of clothes might they be able to afford? Where do they work? Does this have an impact? How old are they? Are they making a statement with their clothes? What era is your drama set in - 60s, 70s, now, the future?

4. Present your ideas - either as a drawing with annotation or make a small version of the costume. You could also bring in material samples and create a collage using these and image.

5. You must then write or present your design - the purpose, what effect it has on the drama and what it means for the audience as a way of showing something about the character. (almost 2 sides of A4 or a Powerpoint presentation or a 2 minute pitch, you can combine all these together if you wish)

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