theatre masks

theatre masks

Wednesday 29 February 2012


BERTOLT BRECHT (1898-1956)

Brecht, a German theatre practitioner created the VERFRUMDUNG SEFFECT (Alienation Effect).

He believed that the following was true theatre:

 Plays had a political message and taught the audience a lesson (Didactic Theatre).

 The audience were asked to criticise the action and think analytically rather than empathising with the characters.

 The plot of the play was told to the audience in advance of the actual action, to take away any suspense or tension and to avoid the audience from becoming too involved with the action or characters.

 The scenes of the play were Episodic (stand alone)

 Brecht used the following methods to alienate his audience:

a) Use of Placards to describe the plot

b) Stage directions and actions were told to the audience in advance, narrated in the 3rd person.

c) Lighting was bright white to create no atmosphere.

d) Music/Song are used to make comment on the action.

e) Actors step outside of the role and act as demonstrators; representing the thoughts and actions of the characters, not being them.

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