theatre masks

theatre masks

Wednesday 29 February 2012

Unit 3 - From Concept to Creation

You are well under way devising and rehearsing your exam pieces. These 3 pieces of work are highly important to your working record and we will be adding to this during class-time.

1. Your 3 original ideas after reading the Exam paper - what do you want the audience to feel/think? How do they link to the exam paper?

2. Your chosen idea - plot outline/story breakdown, possible characters, costumes/technical aspects, what you want your audience to think/feel, performance style - naturalistic/abstract (Stanislavski/Brecht/Growtowski) and genre (style of theatre/drama).

3. Character Notes - these may be really basic at the moment but you can keep adding to it as we carry on through the devising process. Possibly include some research you have undertaken into finding out about the type of person your character might be.

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